Thursday, February 19, 2009
Friday, August 08, 2008
Monday, July 28, 2008
she moved better than wine...
and yet again, i feel in some way, shape and/or form much like a nomad... moving restlessly to find food and a way of survival.
just when i thought i would be settled in a place that i really did enjoy working at, the rug is slipped from beneath my feet- and i am left in the proverbial "tizzy."
fortunately, though i did not stay for long, if at all, on my ass.
in fact my recovery time was (what i feel) somewhat of a record. i've dusted off, licked my wounds, and am truckin' right on through to McGonigel's Mucky Duck Pub.
it's not going to be easy for me at first. as much as the establishment claims to be extremely "mom & pop"... i know full well that they are nowhere near as relaxed as luling on west gray was. of course, the very informal, friendly and lax atmosphere presented by luling was the majority of its own folly, considering it was closed down after only about 2 1/2 months of bar service.
still, i'm going to miss the moments when i could kick back for a very brief conversation with friends who had decided to stop by, the availabilty of knocking a couple back at the end of my shift, the very delicious and very free food that was constantly provided with a smile, and offers for extra... the family that we'd made... dysfunctional as it often times felt, but hey, what family is perfect, right?...
i look forward to my experience with the Duck. the music i'm about to be exposed to will, i'm sure, make up for that which i'll be lacking from luling (and then some). the bar of efficiency of work ethic will be raised to much higher standards. my compinsation might actually reflect the hard work i put forth for the establishment with which i am employed.
i will very much miss my job as a bartender, but i know i'll do well with my new waiting position.
as i move on, i hope that i'll be employed for longer than 2 months...
even though i've been moving so much lately-- it's gotten to the point where i move better than wine.
Thursday, May 08, 2008
a boy and his dog
there are very few sacred traditions and relationships left in our day and time.
at least there are few that are recognized--
but even now as the world spins beneath our feet, there will always be honored the bond between a boy and his dog.
Holiday McMillen came to us on christmas morning in 1997. coming into a "cat family" wasn't easy for either her or us, as with a cat, you can scoop it up, love it, then drop it...
unlike cats, dogs don't always land on their feet... my sister and i learned this the hard way...
a hyper-active puppy (as my mom called her) such as holly (which the rest of us called her) does nothing but love and love and pant and chew and love some more- so much that we as the houston texas lady mcmillens couldn't handle it-
and so to my father, the "dog person," went our first and last k9 family member.
i think it was bean who once put it best how to explain holly.
"... holly's like the boot who goes in for army training and stays for a really long time. initially she's not that bright, tries to do what you say, but falls short most of the time, and is brutally frustrating to train. but with time, she's gained the "old-timer's wisdom;" now she understands how everything works, and can justify the fact that she mostly spends her time lazing about, and bossing the n00bs around..."
holly matured into a sweet ol' gal.
a true friend to anyone who came her way.
and someone who remembered you and greeted you with as much excitement as she could muster- even though her moose-like figure allowed her to bounce her front paws only a few inches above the ground.
it's true that if we were to have innocent passers-by cross our drive, holly would be the first to know and sound the alarm to be on our toes... however if a burglar burst right into our home, she'd probably be the first to wag her tail, lick his hand and welcome him in... as long as he promised to share some table scraps...
all great things come to a great end.
holly has left us with a true meaning of man's best friend.
she will be greatly missed by everyone--
even by me, the "cat person"
here's one to ginna who cared for her
and dad- the ultimate boy for his dog.
i love you.
Tuesday, May 06, 2008
fiew and far between
when once there was a time i was able to frequently update this here blogger for the viewing pleasure of those of you who read and cared... which basically consisted of, but was not limited to myself and myself alone... these days, i find it difficult to sit on my own with my computer for more than only a moment.
even the insatiable facebook has taken its place on the back burner... sac religious of me, i know...
but i find myself monstrously intrigued by the coincidence at hand. recently, i found out that my dear old dad, mon pere, mi papi... is a member of this wonderful blog engine. not only do we share the same taste in blogs, but a strange similarity in writing styles.
i always knew that he and i were eerily in tune... but this is, to me, takes the cake.
to anyone who may have read my entries from times before, you will be thrilled to know that from here on out, i believe posts will pertain much less to the world of romantic confusion... and be much more applicable to the world in general.
thanks to a suggestion from dad.
to update-
i'm single once again (just getting that out of my system (and for the record, i broke it off with bean myself this time)). hence why the romantic updates will be severely decreased.
i'm attending art and design lessons at the art institute of houston. for the first time in my life, i'm actually enjoying my education, which is probably most directly effected by the fact that i
a.) elected to attend said institution
b.) am actually learning about things that i care about and will use later on in life, academically, emotionally and, well, financially...
i'm currently at a crossroad in my life involving an excruciating decision to give up my first car, g.i. jane for an automobile that will be about twice as fuel efficient, and with that inevitably twice as lame... (sorry dad, but it's true...that jeep is just damn cool)
this sunday, may 10th, i will be participating as the role of godmother in the baptism of my niece, catherine... whom i know more fondly as dweasle and/or lizard. (i could'a been a contender....)
in order to be honored with the title of godmother, it was necessary for me to sacrifice my wednesday nights for about 3 months to classes about the act of holy confirmation... it turns out, though, that i was much more well versed in the caholic faith than i thought, as most of the information we covered was more often than not-- a whole lot of white noise.
but now, the classes are over. my confirmation date is the day after lizard's baptism (remember, the whole point of me getting confirmed...)
... so.... do i still have to go?....
with the birth of my niece, it seems, my older sister, jessica (whom i more fondly know of as yesseeca) and i have become much closer.
i can't exactly explain why- i think we might have just hit that stage in which we aren't haunted by the constant urge to beat the ever-loving shit out of each other.
it's pleasant.
by not living with my mom, i feel a little bit closer to her, too...
not because we hang out more, but i feel like now i can say things a little more easily to her.
this decrease in inhibition most likely comes from the fact that if i slip up with a lewd or crude comment... she can't ground me.
having a place of "my own" has had its ups and downs.
i place my own between double parentheses for 2 reasons:
1.) dad-the-man has agreed to graciously assist me in payment for my apartment
2.) another lesson i had to learn the hard way was that your good buddies do not always end up as good roomies...
but i find myself in a 3rd place of residence within a 6 month period-- living proof that the old "third times a charm" theory does in fact hold true.
i am now much more content in my little 199 than i have been since being "out on my own"
for the most part, i'm a happy and usually lucky person, but much like assholes, we all have our complaints.
i now look forward to the many potential "blog-offs" to come betwixt my father and myself...
and i promise this time, my entries will not be as few and far between.
Monday, July 09, 2007
-it's a beautiful thang-
nothing beats a car ride conversation.
especially when said conversation is continued out onto the sidewalk...
then it spills its way up stairs...
and seeps through the cracks of the front door...
and perpetuates itself long enough to sit up until wee, small hours...
just talking.

especially when said conversation is continued out onto the sidewalk...
then it spills its way up stairs...
and seeps through the cracks of the front door...
and perpetuates itself long enough to sit up until wee, small hours...
just talking.