respect my authoritAH!
it is official-
those who decide to take it upon themselves to correct other people (who are legitimately and sufficiently educated in/on any subject matter) about said subject matter they (the corrector(s)) know(s) little to nothing about, should by all means in any way possible shut the flaming fuck up.
should the "corrector" continue attempts at "correcting" others without the necessary knowledge on any such subject matter, they will be shot in the uterus, testicle, or any other generally uncomfortable area.
further prosecution will be issued to offending "corrector" in that a limb will be removed of said offender for every offense they perform. depending on the severity of the offense- there will be an appropriately distributed amount of rubbing alcohol and/or lemon juice and/or salt added to the the major abrasions.
so to those of you lacking in knowledge and authority in some subjects, yet feel compelled to open the burdens you call "your mouths", kindly think twice- and don't.
find something better to do with your burdens- like throw up.
you're probably fat anyways.
this has been official online- rant/ proclamation by your lord and master...
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